About me!

You want to know more about me? Sure!!

The name's Jade but you can call me NetherFalcon (or just Nether or Falcon), as stated on my main page, i am a 17 year old transfem from texas!

I like stuff such as.. Video games, Anime, Cartoons, Cute stuff, Horror and scary stuff, Some webcomics (my biggest hyperfixation is homestuck), Oh! but one of the other main interests i have is old internet stuff or just old tech in general! (mostly from the 90s or 2000s lmao)

Not my image, i just love this character lol, she's cool

Meanwhile, why not check out my socials?

Melonland Forums!

Mastodon/Fedi: @NetherFalcon@tech.lgbt

Lemmy: @NetherFalcon@lemmy.blahaj.zone